Elevating construction with interviews, training, and techniques that will make the build environment better for the workers, our customers, companies, and the industry as a whole. Podcasts are published at 5AM every weekday

Ep.1 - Lambert the Sheepish Lion
In this episode we discuss the importance of authoritative leadership.

Ep.2 - Respect for people
In this podcast we discuss the focal point of all decisions in construction-respect for people!

Ep.3 - The Motive
This podcast discusses the key responsibilities of a leader in the construction industry.

Ep.4 - The Three Habits of a Builder
In this podcast we will give you three key steps to follow daily as a builder throughout your career!

Ep.5 - Finances
In this podcast we discuss foundational principles relating to finance that will help workers in the construction industry climb to success.

Ep.6 - Cleanliness
In this podcast we discuss one of the most important conditions on a project site that will drive all other successes.

Ep.7 - The Leadership role
In this podcast we discuss the need for staying within our proper roles, and leaders being in a position to support and prepare for the work of others. This podcast holds secrets that will make anyone successful in their leadership role.

Ep.8 - Learning that Pays
In this podcast we discuss the amazing value of having a continuous learning plan as you grow in your career.

Ep.9 - Dragon Sickness
In this podcast we discuss the absolute blessing of radical transparency, and how to avoid one of the most dreaded sicknesses in construction-Dragon Sickness!

Ep.10 - Worker Huddles
In this podcast we outline a proven method to stabilize your project and get everyone, including all workers, working as a team.

Ep.11 - Zero Tolerance
In this podcast we talk about a system that will always work to obtain operational control of construction projects.

Ep.12 - Build a Little Better - Succeeding in your Next Role!
In this build a little better episode we outline the effective steps to follow when stretching into a new role.

Ep.13 - Quality as Management
In this podcast we discuss how quality can be used to deliver the project with the entire team!

Ep.14 - Build a Little Better - Weight of every Worker
In this, "Build a little Better," podcast, we talk about how leaders think about safety.

Ep.15 - You are not a Victim!
In this podcast we discuss the life changing magic of not allowing yourself to act like a victim, and provide insights into how you can become a victor!

Ep.16 - Build a little Better - Remarkable Training
In this, "Build a little Better," podcast we discuss how to deliver quality training.

Ep.17 - How to Win Friends and Influence People
Learning how to win friends and influence people will double your effectiveness. Learn the life changing magic of learning how to work well with people.

Ep.18 - Recovering, Finishing, & Crash Landing a Project
In this podcast we outline immediate steps you can take when your project is in trouble!

Ep.19 - Build a little Better - Caring for our families
In this, "Build a little Better," podcast, we talk about our first priority, our family! Builders are only as successful at work as they are at home!

Ep.20 - Sustain your Systems
In this podcast we talk about how to sustain remarkable results in your project.

Ep.21 - BONUS - Jake & Jason Lean Series - Introduction
This is the first of a series of bonus podcasts that review and reflect on a lean journey through a project. Jake is funny, and Jason brings the good looks! You'll want to hear these...

Ep.22 - BONUS - Jake & Jason Lean Series - The Art of Attack
In this podcast, we hear Jake and Jason discuss how to create a culture of the art of attack.

Ep.23 - BONUS - Jake & Jason Lean Series - Incentive and Survival
In this podcast, we hear Jake and Jason as they discuss why it's important to have a culture of Incentive AND survival.

Ep.24 - BONUS - Jake & Jason Lean Series- Setting up Contracts for a Lean Culture
In this podcast, we hear Jake and Jason discuss setting up lean to be successful with contracts

Ep.25 - BONUS - Jake & Jason Lean Series - Winning over the Craft
In this episode, we hear Jake and Jason, Joined by Jake Parduhn, discuss the importance and methods to winning over the craft.

Ep.26 - BONUS - Jake & Jason Lean Series - Sustaining the Culture
In this podcast we hear the Jakes and Jason discuss how to keep a culture of lean going strong!

Ep.27 - BONUS - Jake & Jason Lean Series - Cleanliness and organization
In this episode, The Jakes and Jason discuss the importance of cleanliness and organization of a construction project, and share some insight on how to do it well.

Ep.28 - BONUS - Jake & Jason Lean Series - Balance, Stability, Foresight, Planning, Clarity, and Alignment
In this episode, we hear Jake and Jason discuss the importance of balance, stability, foresight, planning, clarity, and alignment on a project.

Ep.29 - BONUS - Jake & Jason Lean Series - Teaming Secret Sauce
In this episode we hear Jake and Jason talk about the methods they have used to build and manage teams effectively.

Ep.30 - Build a Little Better - The Building will Talk to You!
In this construction podcast, we discuss the merits of instinctively building in the field and using that ability to always know what to do, where to be, and foresee the future. Lean Superintendents everywhere will elevate their performance with these concepts.

Ep.31 - Taking Care of Our Worker's Bodies!
In this podcast we provide opportunities and education that will enable them to take care of their workers and their main tool for work-their body!

Ep.32 - Who is Jason Schroeder?
In this podcast I try to build rapport with you, the listener, by sharing information about me and my motives It is my hope that this episode helps us connect so we can further the cause of respect in construction!

Ep.33 - The 14 Principles of the Toyota Way
In this podcast we shine a light on the foundations of lean thinking and how those foundational philosophies can take us well past the last planner system in managing lean projects.

Ep.34 - Build a Little Better - You Don't Work for Them!
In this podcast we talk about the life-changing magic of maintaining stability and not being victim to chaos and circumstance. Every builder will appreciate this approach to their work in construction!

Ep.35 - Who Moved My Cheese?
Do you struggle with change? Do you think there are too many new things coming in our industry? Are too many people trying to change things? This podcast is for you! In this podcast we talk about dealing with change and asking the question: "What would you do if you were not afraid?"

Ep.36. - Build a Little Better - Signs of a Project in Trouble!
In this podcast we teach superintendents, project managers, or any construction executive how to know if a project is in trouble.

Ep.37 - Afternoon Foreman Huddles
In this podcast we lay out one of the best ways for superintendents and foremen to plan daily in a standard system. Everyone site knows what winning looks like daily.

Ep.38 - Build a Little Better - Burning Our Ships!
In this podcast we burn our ships. Well, kind of...
we discuss the life changing magic of not giving ourselves an escape in construction. No out, no escape, and no excuses. How do we instill urgency and put our team on death ground...?

Ep.39 - The Top Blocks To Leadership
In this podcast we help you identify your blocks to leadership, so you can break through and get that next promotion, be more effective, and take your next step. Every leader in construction will benefit from this podcast!

Ep.40 - The Wisdom of Teams - Winning Teams
In episode 1, of the Winning Teams Series, we talk about the three main foundational items that support successful teams and we share the excitement of developing healthy organizations. This podcast will expand your vision and set you on a path to building your team, whatever your situation.

Ep.41 - Building Trust - Winning Teams
In episode 2, of the Winning Teams Series, we talk about how to build trust. This podcast will expand your vision of how to build trust and set you on a path to building your team, whatever your situation.

Ep.42 - Team Balance and Health - Winning Teams
In this podcast we discuss the merits of team balance and health, provide a common sense approach to creating health and balance on your team, and provide an outline of key indicators to watch, that will signify the team is out of balance. Every builder will be able to use this podcast to more effectively build their..

Ep.43 - The Three Signs of a Miserable Job - Winning Teams
In this fourth podcast of the winning teams series, we explain how you can become an effective manager of people tomorrow! There are three focuses to managing highly engaged employees. Check out this podcast to learn how

Ep.44 - Change - Winning Teams
In this brief podcast we provide a pattern for making change when change is hard!

Ep.45 - The Five Dysfunctions of a Team - Winning Teams
In this 6th podcast in the winning terms series, we provide builders a method to bring their team together based on healthy conflict.

Ep.46 - Death By Meeting - Winning Teams
In this podcast we present such a wonderful system for hosting effective meetings that even the most ardent meeting haters will leave wanting these effective and efficient meetings

Ep.47 - Creating Positive Work Environments Feat. Ricky Davenport
In this interview, Ricky talks about how he created one of the most positivity work environments on his project through foremen huddles, giving first, and helping trades succeed from good schedule management.

Ep.48 - Remarkable Communication - Winning Teams
In this podcast we discuss remarkable ways to communicate on your project. More is better, but more must also be good!

Ep.49 - How To Be An Ideal Team Player - Winning Teams
In this podcast we provide some excellent advice on how you can contribute to the health and stability of your team!

Ep.50 - Remarkable Leadership - Winning Teams
In this final podcast in the winning teams series, we discuss key recourses to help you become the leader you want to be.

Ep.51 - Artful Delegation
In this podcast, we get you to stop doing the non-essential, start doing what matters most, and delegate the rest.

Ep.52 - Build a Little Better - Give it Time
In this podcast we ask you to be patient with yourself throughout your career and really focus on enjoying the journey.

Ep.53 - Schedule Comes First, Feat. Spencer Easton (THE MAN!)
In this podcast we interview Spencer Easton and discuss why an early schedule will positively affect other aspects of your project.

Ep.54 - Contractor Grading!
Do you want elevated standards on-site? Listen to this podcast to create collective accountability and team performance among all trade contractors onsite

Ep.55 - Leader Standard Work - Your 20%
The system that makes all others work is your leader standard work. Want to be effective? Essential? Focused? This is how you do it!

Ep.56 - Build a Little Better - Honesty - You Better Believe It!
In this podcast we talk about the timeless values of honesty and integrity.

Ep.57 - Takt Planning Feat. Spencer Easton - Schedule Series
Takt Planing is rhythm planning. It's all about flow. This form of scheduling will revolutionize your operations!

Ep.58 - Build a Little Better - Drive Forward with Urgency
Want to know what you can't do in your career? You can't avoid finding your passion and your sense of urgency.

Ep.59 - How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
Do you worry? Stress? Do you suffer from anxiety? This podcast is for you!

Ep.60 - Lead Like General Patton Part 1 - War Series #1
Do you want to lead like General Patton? Check out todays podcast on how to look the part, think like a military general, and be ready for war!

Ep.61 - Lead Like General Patton Part 2 - War Series #1
Do you want to lead like General Patton? Check out part 2 of this podcast on how to look the part, think like a military general, and be ready for war!

Ep.62 - Demonizing the Enemy - War Series #1
We must galvanize the team against the enemies of safety, quality, and organizational health. How? By Declaring war on the enemy!